Thursday 12 December 2013

Update Blog - Avengers

I realise that I haven't posted anything in a while. That's mainly because I haven't really finished anything big. I have been very busy with university these past months, being in my final year, so that has piled on the pressure a bit. I'll also admit that I have just not been working as much as i could have, so that is something that I want to fix. Anyway, I decided to give you an update on all of the projects that I have on at the moment and their status. Here goes:

First off -  Mjolnir.

Ages ago I started to make Thor's hammer from Avengers Assemble. I started off with an idea of how to do it which at the time I thought was easy enough to do. I was wrong and it turned out badly. I kept trying to fix it but it just wasn't happening so I decided to start a new one. 

These just show you the progress that I am making on the hammer. I will go into more detail with a full write up when it is finished, but it basically is a MDF net of the hammer. I first drew a basic 3d model of the hammer and the faces dimensions were measured from that. The faces were cut out from MDF sheet and the angles were cut into the edges. They were taped and glued into place. 

What is left to do is the handle, where I'm going to put a leather wrap on it with the design cut into it. Still finalising the drawings for the design. Also there is the nuts for the handle to be put into the middle piece before I can glue that all together. The only things I need to make then are the top plate, the pommel and teh connecting piece between the handle and head. Then it needs to be sanded down, sealed and painted. Not sure about the patterns on the edges and how I'm going to add them in but that may be done after it finished as a sort of extra. 

I'm not to far away right now but there is still some things I have to work out so you can expect an update in the next few months.

BONUS: This is the original method I had which was a foam core net with a fibreglass coating which didn't turn out right as it was my first time using fibreglass and there were some stupid things that I did that I shouldn't have. It came out with loads of air pockets and was really weak. So there was just no saving it. I've moved on.

Next Item: My Iron Man chest RT.

This was something I threw together in like a week mostly with things I had already.
I cut a piece of 68mm pipe to about 12 mm wide to house all of the lights. Two slots to fit the necklace was cut into the sides.

This is the front cover, which is just a 2mm piece of plastic that is cut to fit the inside of the pipe. It is probably best to cut it over size and sand it into shape. then you sand both faces to create a surface to diffuse the light.

The back plate is another thinner piece of plastic with aluminium foil glued on. This was hot glued into place with the excess being cut off with a knife.

I kind of skipped a few steps but the inside of the pipe was covered in aluminium foil to reflect the light. A small circuit was made for the LEDs which was connected to a battery with a headphone jack and connector to allow you to remove the battery. It runs off of a 9V battery in a battery box with switch which I just kept in my pocket so it can be switched on an off easily. As you can see in the picture above it comes out from the left and is hidden by another piece of cloth. 

So that is it done, as you can see it doesn't take very long so it is a very good side project. And it is very cheap, as I said it can be made mostly with things you already have, which is a bonus.

Teaser: Iron Man suit

Some of you may know that I have been creating a Iron man suit which will hopefully be fully functional (in terms of having electronics and moving parts, not the flying part). Those who have visited my Flickr page will already know this. But I have got a little further with it so I'm just updating how far I am.

This is an old picture I am much farther along but thats hard to show that cause the pieces are all over the place. Again there will be a full write up when the first part is completed (when i have a wearable piece). But the basic idea is to create the shape from foam using templates from a program called pepakura, then to coat it in plastic resin to strengthen it and make a smooth surface for the paint. I have started the plastic coating with only the front, back, head and thighs to complete. Most of the pieces still need sanding with only the shoulders having been painted to test the method. So there is still a bit of work to do but I think i'm about 85% through.

Anyway thats updates on a few of my projects, I have a few more that are just started but we'll save them for another update blog.

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